Upcoming training
October 22 - 23, 2024
2 days
from 1400€ VAT excl.
EU Quarter, Brussels, Belgium
Become a master in writing an Impact-oriented EU proposal

Dive into META Group’s impact section training. Horizon Europe programme is Impact-driven, and addressing the project’s impact is widely acknowledged as the most challenging aspect of proposal writing. The score of the impact section significantly influences the overall proposal evaluation.
This specialised training was created to focus on the Impact section of EU Horizon proposals. Since 2020, META Group has been the framework contractor of the European Commission’s Horizon Results Booster support to grant beneficiaries. Daily, our experts witness the challenges that projects face in making a substantial impact.
This unique training will guide you through the features and mandatory points of the Excellence, Impact and Implementation sections, specifically focusing on creating impact. META Group experts will coach you to get the necessary knowledge and tools to maximise your chances of winning a Horizon Europe proposal.
Acquired skills
- Identify and articulate the societal, economic, technological and scientific impacts of your project;
- Align your objectives with Horizon Europe policy framework;
- Structure your proposal to effectively address the Impact related evaluation criteria;
- Develop compelling narratives integrating impact and sustainability;
- Foster effective collaborations with your consortium partners.
Who can participate?
Anyone eager to enhance and excel in writing impactful Horizon Europe proposals in the research and innovation sector.
Level: Intermediate and advanced.
The training is limited to 15 people*
* A minimum of 5 participants are needed to confirm the event.
30 years of experience
Having a solid experience in proposal writing and EU-funded project development, META Group has selected its best-experienced trainers to advise and coach you on how to build up and write a comprehensive and impactful proposal.
In addition to a successful experience in winning Horizon Europe grants, META Group has been also the framework contractor of the European Commission for the Horizon Results Booster support to grant beneficiaries since 2020.
Register now for our training! Our experts will give you all the chances to win an EU Horizon Europe proposal by focusing on preparing an excellent Impact section.
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What they say about the training...
Training programme
AgendaDay 1
9h00 - 17h00Setting the foundation for successful project planning
How Impact influences the entire proposal design
• Exploring the role of Impact in the Horizon Europe policy: Policy Priorities, Strategic Plan, Work Programmes, Destinations, Calls, Topics.
• How to read the call for proposals with a focus on Expected Outcomes and Impacts.
• Understanding the proposal preparation process: most common mistakes; the concept note; identifying Outcomes and Key Exploitable Results (KERs).
How Impact influences the Logic of Intervention and the consortium
Understanding the proposal preparation process:
- Drafting the Logic of Intervention to produce the Key Exploitable Results, and for maximising the Impacts through Exploitation, Dissemination and Communication.
- Designing an impact-oriented consortium.
- Addressing the USE-related issues (Consortium Agreement).
Capitalising from previous (negative and positive) evaluations
The evaluation of proposals: taking advantage from Evaluation Summary Report (ESR) & Examples parts of successful proposals (in the respect of confidentiality issues).
Focusing on “Excellence”
• Defining what the Excellence section is, and its relationship with the Impact section;
• Exploring specific topics: State-of-the-art and Unique Value Proposition; open science practices to enhance Impact; discussing the value of Advisory Boards, Demonstrator, Pilots, Business/Demo-cases.
Exercise on a real call for proposal (pre-defined)
- Reading the call for proposal;
- Sketching the Concept Note.
Day 2
9h00 - 17h00The Impact section in the frame of an Impact-driven programme
The very key to success
• The section 2. Impact: understanding what it is all about and how to maximise it;
• Key Ingredients: Exploitation/Use of results, Target Groups (adopters – users – beneficiaries, ecosystem members), Early adopters, Dissemination, Communication;
• Developing a solid methodological approach for effective addressing and writing with 2.1 Pathways towards Impact:
o Drafting and illustrating the Pathway towards Impact;
o Utilising the Outcomes table, scale and significance;
o Defining the contribution to expected impacts, scale and significance;
o Addressing requirements and barriers.
2.2 Measures to maximise the impact
- Defining Exploitation (intentions and use model, characterisation table),
- Intellectual asset management (background and foreground);
Dissemination and Communication
2.2 Measures to maximise the impact
- Planning the Dissemination (KER, targeted early adopters, channels, messages, …);
- Developing Communication (targets, channels, messages, …).
Impact Summary
2.3. Impact Summary: approaching the new section
The Implementation section
How to address and prepare the Work Package on Exploitation, Dissemination and Communication:
- Key activities;
- The Plan for Exploitation, Dissemination and Communication;
- Purchase of goods and services for mobilising outcomes;
- Defining the risks related to Exploitation, Dissemination, Communication;
- A balanced estimated budget for PEDR.
Exercise on a real call for proposal (pre-defined)
- Designing the Pathways towards Impact of your project.
- Designing the dissemination strategy.
- Using the 2.3 Summary Table as a proposal preparation tool.
Day 3
9h00 - 13h30Optional: 1 hour one-on-one session
- Participants can share and discuss discuss on their future proposal applications or on a specific case during a 1-hour individual session with the expert.
Contact us!
Want to know when will be the next trainings or have any question about the training? Contact our team at trainings@meta-group.com