INSME forum 2015
CategoriesInnovation Policy Strategy

Andrea Di Anselmo, META Vice-President: In order to generate jobs and wealth we need innovation at both business and institutional levels

Cape Town, INSME. The 11th Annual International Network of Small and Medium Enterprise Forum (INSME 2015) took place this year in South Africa, where Andrea Di Anselmo, META Vice-President and INSME President expressed META’s views on “Technology and Innovation for Inclusive Growth”.

“In order to generate jobs and wealth we need innovation at both business and institutional levels. The public sector is called to develop the most favorable support ecosystem having in mind that the entrepreneur has to be the one in the driver’s seat. The most effective support for inclusive growth should take into consideration the differences between entrepreneurs by necessity and entrepreneurs by opportunity,” says Andrea Di Anselmo, META Vice-President & INSME President.

The goal of these discussions focused on “Technology and Innovation for Inclusive Growth” is to find new ways to develop local institutions by highlighting the importance of technology and innovation in raising the institutions’ competitiveness level and enabling them to achieve growthISME 2015

“Moreover, today’s technologies like 3D printing make possible the unleashing of entrepreneurial potential of creative talents, opening up international markets for their products, while crowdfunding provides finance and visibility to this new generation of makers. South Africa has all the assets to make this possible”, concluded Mr. Di Anselmo.

The INSME annual forum is an important platform that offers  service providers and Small and Medium Enterprises sector supporters the chance to take advantage of each other’s experiences.


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