RETIXA the place where big data meets advanced analytics
CategoriesEntrepreneurship Investment

Analytics 3.0 class solution dedidicated primarly to communications service providers. Retixa is a place where big data meets advanced analytics. ​​​​

Retixa is an Analytics 3.0 class solution for Communications Service Providers (Telcos). It is an appliance (both hardware and software) which connects Advanced Analytics with Big Data. The product is pre-integrated with network elements and Business Support Systems of major vendors. Another key point, it is that it also comes with pre-defined business scenarios out of the box. Today, Telecommunications operators suffer declines in revenues and profits caused by commoditization of their services, strong competition from other Telcos and Internet players (Over-the-top like Google, Twitter and Facebook).

One of the key reasons for the commoditization is lack of innovation produced by a corporate culture and complex process-based approaches. Moreover there is extremely complex and inflexible IT systems. The typical road to a new marketing campaign or a product takes months and incurs millions of dollars in cost. Telco operators’ network provides very detailed data about customers’ location, behavior and needs. Complex structure of existing solutions as well as technical, cultural and organizational boundaries between IT and Network departments prevent effective leverage of this information for business purposes.

Endorsed by more than 15 years of experience in telco

In fact, an experienced ex-IBM team with 15+ years of experience in the telco sector — both on vendors’ and service providers’ side, leads Retixa. They have expertise in Business Analytics, Business Process Management and software development. They have dozens of projects delivered, close relationships with IT System Integrators and Telcos in Europe and the Middle East.

Worldwide, there are no solutions which would have all of the following features: gathering large data volumes; analyzing and correlating data from multiple sources in real-time; effective and modern user communications channels; built-in business knowledge and ready-to-use scenarios; streamlined execution of personalized marketing activities.

Retixa has signed and is currently fulfilling a contract for a telecommunications operator in the Middle East (Oman).

They are already being recommended to other players in this region. Tele Management Forum is the leading standardization body in the telecommunications industry. It has defined a set of generic scenarios related to use of Big Data in the industry. Retixa is positioned in selected areas of the set, enhancing it with specific use cases (stories) that are implemented in the product. They only require parameterization to get implemented in a business environment. Retixa has already defined tens of use cases in the context of TMForum recommendations.

Table: example of a use case

In addition, before META ZERNIKE VENTURES’ team decided to invest in the company, Retixa has benefited from a seed round of 1 mPLN. ZERNIKE has already invested 1.5 mPLN in 2015. It is expected to invest another 3 mPLN in 2016, when Retixa signs another contract with a telecommunications operator.

Retixa had close to 1 mPLN revenues in 2015 and employed 17 people, only 5 months after setting up the company. As of now, 4 leading Polish telecommunications providers expressed real interest in Retixa’s product. One of them is already making their data available for Retixa. Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology is interested in cooperation by setting up a team of PhDs to work with Retixa. The objective is to develop even more advanced Big Data solutions.

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