Luigi Amati, previously BAE’s Vice President for institutional and EU affairs, was elected unanimously as the new chair for the next two years.
About BAE
BAE has been under Philippe Gluntz’s leadership since its founding year. The former chairman of the association has been nominated as Honorary Chairman and will continue to support BAE’s activities and the development of Business Angels networks from his new position.
The election of Luigi Amati as Chairman marks a new chapter in BAE’s history. “With the infrastructure now in place, and having secured stability for the organization, we are now in a position to effect real change by deploying our skills and leverage from both EU and Members’ level,” Mr. Amati stated in his opening declaration to the newly elected Board. “We will be firmly on the ground, delivering clear results”.
The Board, consisting of 9 members from Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands and the UK, welcomed the decision and is looking forward to future development plans.