Investment readiness for the innovation ecosystem in Turkey
CategoriesEntrepreneurship Startups

META Group is providing training services to the IZMIR NIC Ecosystem Development Programme
META delivered the first in person workshop for the IZMIR NIC Ecosystem Development Programme. It took place on 28th and 29th September in Izmir, Turkey. The Aegean Exporters Association hosted the training titled “Getting Companies Ready for Investment”. There, fifteen future trainers received entrepreneurial support from the META Group experts Francesca Natali and Lorenzo Valeriani.

Within the participants there were professionals from chambers of commerce and industry, universities, technology park and other start-ups’ support organizations. The aim of the training session was to provide the beneficiaries with the skills, methodologies, and tools. They are needed to help start-ups in the region to increase their investment readiness capacity.

The attendants benefited from a two-day training by the META Group experts. Natali and Valeriani gave actionable insights into supporting high-growth innovative companies to raise funds. “It has been a privilege to meet local stakeholders. We shared with them our experience in dealing with and investing in high growth companies. Izmir’s environment for start-up support is very promising. Although there is room to support innovative entrepreneurship more effectively at local and regional level,” said Francesca Natali, senior expert at META Group.

Meta provided useful information on early-stage investors and how to approach them with a good pitch. Also, the experts used real case studies and presented investment readiness self-assessment tools.

Supporting the start-up ecosystem in the region

“High-growth companies are the engine of economic and social development, but to scale and succeed they need large amounts of money. That is why it is important to create a local ecosystem of actors ready and able to support start-ups in raising money from risk capital investors (VCs, BAs, etc.),” explained Lorenzo Valeriani, Senior Expert at META Group.

The İzmir Network and Innovation Centre (İzmir NIC) is a three-year project. It is carried out within the framework of the financial cooperation of the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. The Ministry of Industry and Technology in partnership with İzmir Institute of Technology (İYTE) and the Software Industrialists Association (YASAD) implemented the project.

The project’s purpose is to enhance the commercialisation and internationalisation of innovative products by fostering networks and strategic partnership among relevant stakeholders. Focusing on the renewable energy sector with information and communication technologies. They are among the pioneers of economic development. The project improves the capacity of ecosystem actors (SMEs, Start-ups, TTOs, TDZs, R&D Centres etc.) in İzmir, with training, consultancy, and networking activities.

Learn more about the program:

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