CategoriesEU Project Training

The European Commission is funding the development of a new IP Tool-box. This will support licensing that goes beyond classical scenarios and embrace new technology trends in digitalisation of licensing tools. The initiative will benefit licensing professionals, researchers. innovative enterprises and policy makers.  

The IMPAC3T-IP project  will develop a modern ‘tool-box’ to support licensing with a focus on 3 main scenarios: 

  • Classical+ – licensing beyond the traditional industrial rights for inventions (patents and trademarks), into more modern bundles of rights needed to license digital technologies, including IoT, AI and ML and mobile technologies e.g. data sharing and standards essential patents (SEP) as well a ‘long tail’ licensing (high volume low price). 
  • Crisis – supporting rapid voluntary licensing under different legislative regimes and standard and non-standard conditions e.g. through voluntary royalty free licensing in times of medical crises, natural disasters and geopolitical conflict. 
  • Co-creation – supporting licensing of intellectual assets that have been created through complex partnerships with multiple owners and diverse licensing objectives. Increasingly encountered when responding to societal challenges. 

IMPAC3T-IP Academy 

Take-up and use of the IP-tool box will be supported by the IMPACT3T IP Academy. This will offer a fully subsidised training courses for individuals across Europe wanting to become a certified IMPAC3T-IP ‘user’ and ‘trainer’, including as part of a recognised Knowledge Transfer Professional qualification. 

Special Interest Groups (SIG) 

Development of the IP tool-box will take place with the support of three Special Interest Groups (SIGs). These will advise on the three scenarios as well as emerging technology trends in licensing e.g. increasing use of AI and Block-chain technologies. SIGs will have an early opportunity to test the tools and to join the subsidised training program through IMPAC3T-IP Academy. 

About IMPAC3T-IP  

IMPAC3T-IP is an EU-funded project that addresses scenario-based licensing for stakeholders in the IP value chain. The project is developing a toolbox and an associated training program to support licensing in three key situations:  

  • Classical+ – licensing beyond the traditional industrial rights for inventions, into more modern bundles of rights needed to license digital technologies.  
  • Crisis – supporting rapid voluntary licensing under different legislative regimes and standard and non-standard conditions.  
  • Co-creation – created for complex partnerships with multiple owners and diverse licensing objectives. 

The IMPAC3T-IP project is a 3-year action funded by the European Commission and starting in December 2023. META Group is in charge of the management and coordination of the project as well as of the communication, dissemination and sustainability work package.

IMPAC3T-IP Partners: 

META Srl (IT), Universidad de Alicante (ES), University College Dublin (IE), Demola (FI), Areopa (BE), Atrineo (DE), ASTP (NL). 

Associate Partner: e-Lucid (UK) 


  • IPR management 
  • Scenario based licensing 
  • IP tool-box 
  • Crisis management 
  • Intellectual Property digitalisation 


Lisa Cowey
Technical Coordinator, T3I  

Clémence Contant
Communication Manager, META Group  

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