From solid exploitation plans to a real market uptake in re-MODULEES
CategoriesEU Project Research exploitation

With flexible building renovation shared solution, re-MODULEES aims to create an EU framework  to support energy efficiency and clean solutions.

It provides integrated modular renovation services to encourage large scale renovation of existing residential buildings, but also to foster the use of renewable energies. The overall aim of re-MODULEES is the creation of the EU-wide retrofit market activation framework. Specially, it is focused in the residential building sector.

“The aim is to make deep renovations easier, faster and more attractive to foster the market uptake of the re-MODULEES solutions,” explained Maddalena Lukasik from META, the Exploitation Leading Partner.

From solid exploitation plans to a real market

META is responsible for ensuring the market uptake, supporting the go-to-market process and the executing the successful exploitation of the re-MODULEES innovative solutions. META recently held a Lean Canvas workshop for re-MODULEES. This workshop helped the participants to examine the project’s outputs through a new lens. They could see how best to deliver the solutions to market.

META joined the other 15 project partners in Nice on 14-15 June for the 4th Consortium Meeting. They aimed to discuss the progress of the activities, the next steps and to ensure the achievement of the expected impacts.

From solid exploitation plans to a real market uptake in re-MODULEES

What is more, re-LABs supported the project in markets: Netherlands, Italy, Spain, France, Greece, Bulgaria, and Slovenia. The re-LABs have a pivotal role in forming sustainable networks to support the local ecosystem. The intention of the pilot markets is to evaluate the model’s usability in shaping the market for building renovation.

Finally, META stresses the importance of understanding the customers’ needs when developing an innovative solution. Innovators must focus on the actual problems to develop real solutions. In the case of re-MODULEES, they must develop a sustainable base of re-MODULEES results for a dynamic market uptake.

Find out more about the production of re-MODULEES in this video or visit their website.

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