
WIDERASpecifically designed for beneficiaries from Widening countries and Outermost Regions, widerAdvance Facility emphasises structured support for both direct and indirect research results stemming from these regions’ actions. Not only does this Facility align with and complement existing EC tools and opportunities, but it also enriches the learning curve for researchers, research management teams, and notably, tech transfer specialists. It provides structural support to direct and indirect research results generated within/by Widening actions.

widerAdvance Facility supports research institutions in Widening Countries and Outermost Regions (ORs). This Facility aligns with European Commission tools and provides structured assistance to improve research management, technology transfer, and policy development.

PERs: Project Exploitable Results

Widening Countries face challenges in Dissemination & Exploitation (D&E) activities, often due to inadequate tools, resources, and policy support. There’s a clear demand for structures and strategies that can bolster D&E outcomes, making research results from these regions more visible, accessible, and impactful. To address these challenges, widerAdvance Facility introduces the ‘Project Exploitable Results’ (PERs).

These are specific, tangible results crafted to directly address the identified problem areas, providing Widening Countries and ORs with the essential tools and strategies to elevate their D&E activities. From the foundation set by the PERs, the project anticipates broader ‘Expected Outcomes’ (EO). These EOs signify the wide-reaching benefits or shifts that will be realised as the PERs are adopted and implemented across the targeted regions. It’s this sequence from problem identification to PER development, and from PER utilization to EO realization that forms the cornerstone of the strategy to ensure sustained and transformative long-term expected impact (EI) in D&E for Widening Countries.

In short, by addressing structural gaps and enhancing capacity, the widerAdvance Facility aims to bridge the innovation divide and create sustainable, long-term improvements in research dissemination and exploitation across Europe.

The consortium is composed by: ICONS (coordinator), META Group, FORTH, Xjenza Malta, FRCT, MESRS, APRE, Research Council of Lithuania, and UNICO

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