is a 24-month project funded under the Digital Europe Programme which aims to improve, via dissemination & exploitation actions, the uptake of Digital Europe Programme to beneficiaries other than the organisations directly involved in the projects. The consortium is well-experienced in designing and implementing services which put into practice D&E measures, on behalf of the European Commission. An impact-focussed and mature workplan will be implemented in the interests of the European Commission, tapping into already existing tools, e.g. of other EU programmes like Horizon Europe, where the consortium have already implemented an operational framework for D&E. brings the opportunity to disseminate results through an “easy & agile mechanism” in order to reach a larger variety of stakeholders whilst integrating networks, multiple beneficiaries and multiple project officers of DEP. objectives and vision

Having insight and guidance from expertise of multiple projects and their respective consortia, is a useful vehicle for European policy makers as more and more projects are guided on shaping the R&I, industrial, technological and digital policies for the future. The environment is complex to navigate in and creating effective capacity building in the D&E domain with high surrender-value is crucial. SMEs, mid-caps, research labs, academia and industry in general, lack budgets, the competences and the means to know how to build an effective D&E service, management and delivery. By laying the foundations for the conceptual and operational framework for a D&E service can boost, EU values and European digital sovereignty, strengthening take-up, scalability, sustainability of a variety of deployment solutions and tools and services. will achieve its vision by:

  1. Laying the foundation for a conceptual and operational framework design that will result in mapping good practices, programming needs and the functionalities of the DEP results platform;
  2. Monitoring and validating the framework through implementing pilot actions for DEP officers and beneficiaries. This this will feature a hands-on approach involving the design and execution of the pilot actions reaching out to 300+ DEP projects;
  3. Producing an action plan for a knowledge-sharing community of 1000 + members, also through the delivery of 2 workshops and 8 webinars;
  4. Producing policy recommendations and a Roadmap delivering a concrete action plan;
  5. Developing synergies through the stakeholder engagement activities;
  6. Handing over the assets produced by, via a lean knowledge transfer programme as a lasting legacy of the project.

Empowering the Digital Europe Programme with targeted solutions uses an already developed, field-tested, open & fair approach to design an effective framework and pilot services to maximise the impact of the DEP and the take up of its results through a D&E conceptual and operational framework through practical actions. The initiative will provide the DEP programme with a concrete action plan through a direct and continuous dialogue, thereby aligning all actions with the EC-driven strategy in its overall programme of implementation. It will also identify the functionalities of a potential DEP Results Platform and deliver practical workshops and webinars to share dissemination and exploitation strategies to the various DEP stakeholders across Europe.

The strategy develops is based on the analysis of the policy instruments underpinning the DEP and the experience, expertise and skillset of TRUST-IT, its AE COMMpla and META Group

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