
How does a company transform a great idea into a commercial opportunity? AAL2Business created market-ready products and services to achieve better quality of life for older people

The Active Assisted Living (AAL) Programme was a funding programme that aimed to strengthen industrial opportunities in the field of healthy ageing technology and innovation.

Projects that work towards creating market-ready products and services to create better quality of life for older people get funded. To give these projects the last push that they need to get into the market, AALcreated AAL2Business. This initiative was delivered by META Group and APRE. It provided business support to the beneficiaries of the AAL Programme to strengthen their commercialisation strategy and drive project results into the market.

Dario Mazzella, a trainer and innovation expert from META Group says: “Our aim is to push (the entrepreneurs) to get out of the building, select one segment and contact potential customers to validate their assumptions.”


  1. Lean Start Up Academy: A chance to increase commercial traction and further market success.
    AAL projects will be guided by business coaches in how to identify their target market. Also, they will help them to use the best channels to reach their potential customers, choose a fitting value proposition.  Validating their business model by checking their assumptions against the market plays also a crucial role.

  2. Go-to-Market Launchpad
    Provides the project teams with dedicated training and coaching on how to present a business value proposition in a clear and convincing way and how to catch the attention of investors and/or potential customers and business partners.

  3. Thematic Online Courses: Live webinars.Participants will be given an insight into how to improve their skills and develop an entrepreneurial mindset.
    The webinar curricula will contain theoretical and practical modules related to the following topics:
    • the Lean Canvas
    • the Value Proposition Canvas
    • basics of IPR and the unfair advantage
    • advanced IPR (negotiation, IP transfer, etc.)
    • how to deal with potential customers
    • early stage investors (who they are and what are they looking for)
    • how to pitch to investors

Tools for business developtment: These selected tools and materials that help AAL projectsto succeed in business development include videos, reports and toolkits in business modelling, value proposition designnational funding, initiatives & more.

Market guidance

business support network has been established comprised of AAL Business Experts Points (BEN) from each country, participating in the AAL programme to keep national AAL participants informed about commercialisation, market uptake and investment opportunities available at national and European level.

Visit aal-europe.eu/aal2business and learn more about META Group’s capacity building solutions

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