The contest was organised by the University of Macerata and funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. 11 challenges in the cultural and creative sector had been launched on the platform looking for the best and innovative solutions.

Selected solutions have been rewarded with a mentoring programme divided into 10 modules to structure their business idea and help launching their product/service on the market. This training was provided by META Group experts. The winners will then got in contact with the companies that proposed the challenges, and they had the opportunity to start a collaboration with them.

As its names suggests, Culture and Creativity Club focused on solving the problems of Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI). CCIS have difficulties in accessing credit and lack resources to enhance their competitiveness on the global market, build effective partnerships, and extend their activity to other countries. CCIs also represent an innovative branch of business and have the potential to increase regional competitiveness and job creation capacity.

Examples of CCIs include architecture and design, which integrate creative elements into wider processes, as well as subsectors such as graphic design, fashion design or advertising.


Cultural innovation is a process of change, based on strategies and ideas that lead to the development of a specific community in this area.

In Italy, the cultural and creative sector faced important changes in the last decade. Digitization is a transforming force for all sectors. It changes how products and services are create, how they are put onto the market and consumed.  This change is particularly accentuated in the creative industries. Consumers now expect to find information about media and entertainment on the Internet.

What is certain is that technology has made and will continue to make significant changes in the publishing industry. In fact, a new ecosystem is emerging that presents great opportunities. At the center of the most successful business models is the integrated consumer experience, increasingly achieved by new entrants on the market or by partnerships between new entrants and players already on the market.

And it is precisely by virtue of the fact that technology has also become part of the smallest urban system that this platform has been brought to life, and with it the desire to connect innovators with the challenges highlighted by companies active in the cultural and creative sector at national and international level.

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